Sunday, March 8, 2009

Electric Question Three

When Cy first starts to work at the tattoo shop he comments on Riley's disposition and his ability to see humor in the dark. He says, "Perhaps he had come of his trade well fitting with a character already formed and suitable, or perhaps the trade had made him." Do you think there are any jobs that you were "made" for or thinking about your job now, has it made you?


t. said...

a little of both. running around with brothers and playing "army" games when i was little made it easy for me to see myself taking on the physical challenges of joining the military.

my love for sea turtles and the environment made it easy to choose the service i chose.

the fact that my service does not care as much about sea turtles as i thought it did has made me harder, more bitter, and more fitted to their mold. (mould?)

the job i think im cut out for: retirement.

t. said...

do you think RIley may have used his career as a crutch, cover, or excuse for his "rough" behavior at some point? or was riley just riley, no more no less?

thinkpink said...

i think he used it as a crutch. if i had a job where i could be a deep pseudo-intellectual and moody and dramatic it would be awesome.