Saturday, December 4, 2010

Watership Down

Hey friends!

I read Fall of Giants, and it was great.  Now I'm on to Watership Down by Richard Adams.  It's all about rabbits, which may be why I love it so.  I'm almost finished, and have found it really exciting.  Really, combining rabbits and adventure was quite ingenious.  Try it out.  I think you'll enjoy it, too.  :)

After I'm done reading it, I plan to Netflix the movie, too. 

Saturday, October 23, 2010

New book to read

Hey ladies!  I rarely read the books on time because I usually have a list of 4-5 when we are all good about posting, and then when there's a dry spell I am always looking for a book.  Aaaaanyway, I have found a really good set of books I'd like to recommend.  I'm currently reading Ken Follett's "Fall of Giants" and it's amazing.  If you haven't read them, I highly recommend Ken Follett's "Pillars of the Earth" and "World Without End".  Pillars is in Oprah's Book Club (if my word isn't good enough for the likes of you), and they are just really fun to read.  So!  If you're looking for addictive books, try these.

Next up on my list to read:
1.  Watership Down (I was supposed to read this classic in middle school, but I was a terrible student and didn't.)
2. 1984 (I can't believe I've never read this.)
3. The Art of Racing in the Rain (because the lovely T$ left it on my coffee table after her visit)

I welcome any comments on the above books.  :)  Love and miss you ladies!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Corelli's Mandolin Question 4

Do you think Mandras would have "fallen" if he had not gone off to fight? Did the perceived disrespect from the Doctor affect him exceptionally? Or was he on that path no matter what?

Saturday, February 27, 2010



1) Did you like this book?
2) How would you have responded to Corelli in the last chapter? I would have been just like Pelagia -except (hopefully) much more skilled in the art of yielding a cast iron frying pan. The man did deserve a good wack.
3) Did Corelli and Pelagia waste their lives alone? Should they have found love in someone else or would it have been "second best" is there such thing as a love so true, you would be unable to "recover" from it's  untimely "end"?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Captain Corelli's Mandolin Question Two

In light of current events with our American military and the policies on homosexuals, how appropriate is the Chapter 4, written by Carlo Piero Guercio....
What do you think about his statement?
"What could I say to such priests and doctors? I would say to the priest that God made me as I am, that I had no choice, that He must have made me like this for a purpose, that He knows the ultimate reasons for all things and that therefore it must be all to the good that I am as I am, even if we cannot know what that good is. I can say to the priest that if God is the reason for all things, then God is to blame and I should not be condemned."

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Captain Corelli's Mandolin Question One

How much of a badass would you feel like if you cured someone's lifelong deafness by extracting an old dried pea from their ear? i'm serious - this is my question. don't be modest. on a scale of one to ten, how proud would you be?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

um, you all have to read this book

ok i know i've sucked at being a really active member of this blog, but i'm going to do better, i promise. There, now i feel like i've made a committment and can throw out a suggestion. but it is not a suggestion. it's like a YOU HAVE TO READ THIS BOOK or your life might not be complete. and that would be tragic. like there are no words strong enough for my recommendation.

Its called Captain Corelli's Mandolin.

Please beg, borrow or steal yourself a copy! LIFE CHANGING literature can not wait a moment longer!!! please.