Thursday, September 17, 2009

Question 2: Gomez

did you love or hate Gomez? how much?


eRmOdi said...

ok finally a book i read! why i've been so silent until this point? Ask me no questions, i shall tell you no lies (or shall I?) Anyway back to focus on Time Traveler's Wife and the question at hand: "Gomez, to love or hate?" Well, for starters, Gomez is not my type. And that's why I hate him. Not for not being my type, but for being the type of overly-self-assured-hyper-critical-self-righetous-narrow-minded-yet-proclaiming-to-be-enlightened-wanna-be-philosopher that assumes he is my type and tries to get me to hit on him (because I doubt he would lower himself to actually wooing a girl...) Let me tell you what I think about Gomez: He preaches to the masses about their overly-indulgent lives, yet knows nothing about a life of wanting or sacrifice....yes, he will build his case about living a life in want of Clare...the love of his life....his soulmate....his match...but we all know that is based on a lustful attraction for someone he can't have and if he did have her, he wouldn't appreciate her. His treatment of his wife is dispicable. Why she loves him? I doubt it's possible. She finds herself in love with a shadow, with an idea, with the hope that love will change his heart and bring this glorious idea of him to her. Poor girl. Fallen victim to love's biggest lie. That's what I think of Gomez. There's a special circle of hell for people like that.

eRmOdi said...
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eRmOdi said...

PS Anyone see the movie yet? Is Gomez at least as hot as he really needs to be?

MISSed said...

I do not like Gomez. Initially I thought he was an arrogant guy with a good heart that was looking out for Claire's best interests, but now it's apparent he only has his interests in mind. It makes my skin crawl to wonder if Claire goes back to him. I like to believe that she didn't.

t. said...

i dislike Gomez very much. in the order of why i dislike him:

1. he wastes the time and love of the woman he marries, the mother of his children. he is wrong to keep her when he would leaver her in a second.

2. he covets something he shouldnt. it was okay in their twenties, but, when the rings go on and the vows are made, it's time to start playing by some rules. otherwise everyone has wasted lots of money of poufy dresses and tall cakes for no reason.

3. he forces himself onto clare. nasty.

reasons i like him:
1. he does want clare to be okay. he recognizes that henry could easily break her heart, and he thinks she deserves better. that's not so bad.