Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Captain Corelli's Mandolin Question One

How much of a badass would you feel like if you cured someone's lifelong deafness by extracting an old dried pea from their ear? i'm serious - this is my question. don't be modest. on a scale of one to ten, how proud would you be?


thinkpink said...

obviously dont have to put the "modesty" disclaimer on me...i would be at about an 8. Although i would feel bad/awkward that they didnt have the ability to hear just bc of a dried up pea.

t. said...

i would feel like the smartest person in the village... but then i think i have to agree with feeling bad/awkward. mostly because they couldn't figure out that it was a pea. i would definitely judge the parenting there...

eRmOdi said...

hahahaha i'd be a 10. maybe an 11. i get this over-inflated sense of accomplishment with stuff like that....who am i kidding - i wouldn't have even been the doctor, but the nagging wife that made him wish the pea could be put right back in!