Thursday, February 19, 2009

Electric Michaelangelo

Consumption? Really? do you think you could handle holding basins of bloody vomit at a young age? now?


t. said...

i think when i was younger i would have been equally disgusted, and fascinated, just like Cy. now, though, i could probably do it without much of a problem. except for the germs part. blood = not so bad. disease = terrifying. i heard that my ex-roomate may have had tuberculosis. he found out from his overseas screening. HE didnt tell me though. thanks for the consideration, friend with whom i shared a close space and utensils! yaay friendship! yaay omitting the presence of infectious diseases!

thinkpink said...


as far as consumption...i can deal with the blood; and i do not think that disease terrifies me. the scary part is the close proximity of death. i mean think about the name "consumption." the whole thing conotes the end of your life-and that is what is scary to me.