Monday, December 8, 2008


SY - thanks for adding to the list.

another question: do we want to make this blog private and manage the list of who can see it, or do we want it open? do we want to use initials like i just did, or names? personally, my other blog is anonymous, and i'd like to keep that up. 

finally, do you all want to be made authors to the blog so you can add posts, or do you want me to keep the admin authorship so that you just make comments after a post?

eh- once we iron all this out we can start reading. im excited for that.


thinkpink said...

2-made an author
3-private (im 50/50 on this one)
3-yay reading!

thinkpink said...

clearly i can read better than i can count. i meant

4-yay reading!

eRmOdi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
t. said...

1. haha it's ok if you are out there in the open, waiting for stalkers.

1. my blog OCCASIONALLY mentions work, so i'd like to keep it anonymous. as long as you dont use MY real name, im happy. basically, we all use whatever user names we have, or initials.

1. i'll make you all authors right now. or attempt to.
im keeping the site open for now. once all of our invitees see it (friends, sisters, moms, whoever) and we establish that everyone knows how to get to it then i will close it to the public. make sense?

MISSed said...

HEY everybody!!
I agree. We should all be authors. Keep it anonymous. And then once we get most of our friends and fam going, we can close the site and everyone else can just be followers. Ya dig?

eRmOdi said...

ok i fixed it. i should be more anonomoyous now.....or backwards...teee hee